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HomeMember Led Events

Member led events - Day trips

Thank you for your interest in sharing your love of the outdoors.

Members may post simple carpool day trips on the Club Event Calendar, using the "Quick Event" function.

This is designed for straight forward single day events.  These would include hikes on established trails, cross country events on known trails, resort skiing and boarding, biking and flatwater kayaking.

You should have attended several events to get a feel for the Club, the members and how events are posted.  We will try to assign an experienced Event Host to help you out with any questions if you want some help.

Quick events are posted to the Events Calendar but there is no automated email to notify members.  If you want an email to be sent to members to notify them of the event, please contact the after the event is on the calendar.

We have a more detailed process for 'full events' and for 'extended events' and our event hosts for these have the ability to make more detailed postings.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

Expectations of a member host

Planning the Event
Running the Event
After the Event
Types of Events

Planning the event

  • Prepare a summary of your event. Title and brief description.  The description should include applicable details such as length, difficulty, elevation gain, expected time frame to complete.  Any ability or skill level that may be required.  Items needed such as bear spray.

  • Chose a carpool location and time to meet.

  • Most events should be able to be completed by a reasonably fit adult.  You may of course narrow your event to a certain speed, ability or fitness level but this should be clearly stated in your description.

  • Try to keep the planning simple and instructions straight forward.

  • Post the information to the Events page using the Quick Event process.

  • Generally speaking we like to see at least 4 people to proceed with hikes or cross country skiing.  This is for safety and bear concerns.  Of course, you are all adults and are free to make you own decisions.

Running the event

  • Ensure everyone at the carpool location - give a few minutes grace if someone does not show up..  

  • Make sure everyone - especially carpool drivers - know the meeting place, trailhead etc. for the event.

  • At the trailhead/meeting place, ensure everyone knows details such as turnaround times, lunch times, route. Ensure faster people wait at trail junctions so everyone gets on the right path.

  • You may want to assign someone to bring up the tail end to ensure no one is left behind

After the Event  

  • You may prepare an event report  and send it to to be included in our newsletter or website reports.  

  • Prepare a report for council - any issues what would you do differently or any tips you may want to pass along.

  • Incident reports.  If you have an injury or a member does not meet our conduct policy, please write an incident report and send it to

  • We are open to many types of events and are looking for new and interesting events for members. However quick events will usually be fairly limited in nature.

  • Most will be self drives, or car pools.

  • Skiing, hiking, kayaking, star gazing, socials, biking

  • Generally at ski resorts or on well marked and known trails.

Guidelines - Quick Events

  1. Members may post 'Quick Events' for XC, DH, Hiking, Snow Shoe, Biking, Flatwater Kayaking, and Social Events, within club guidelines, without approval. 

  2. Most events should be able to be completed by a reasonably fit adult.  Occasionally events may be more narrowly focused to appeal to a specific skill or difficulty level or fitness level.  This should be clearly outlined in the event details.

  3. Events where payment to an outside party is required should be referred to a member of Council or the office. You may wish to refer to our Extended Events page for the process.

  4. Events where the Club is required to collect payment should be approved by the Council or events committee.  A budget is to be submitted.  These events are often planned at a meeting prior to the season and are approved subject to final budget details

  5. Please refer to the the Policies Overview page 

  6. Please try to keep the planning simple

  7. The Club does not do back country skiing, alpine touring, any event that involves avalanche risk, scrambling, rock climbing etc.  There are clubs with expertise in these sort of events and we would be happy to refer you.

Event Policy

Please refer to the Policy Overview page for:

1)Extended Trip policy
2) Day Trip policy.
3) Carpooling policy and calculator
4) Pet Policy

User Responsibility Codes

Please refer to the Policy Overview page for:

  1. Alpine Skier Code
  2. Nordic Responsibility Code
  3. Hikers Code of Conduct 
  4. Kayak and Canoe 
  5. Biking Codes

How to post a Quick Event.

  • Log onto the Calgary Ski Club Website
  • Open the Events tab.
  • Click on Add QuickEvent
  1. Under Basic information
  • Insert your event title
  • Input a description of your event
  • Select category from the drop down
  • It should be visible to everyone
  • Ignore mobile channel
  • Your name should appear as Event host
  • Show email to members only
  • Select the option you want of Phone and cell phone.
  • Check if you wish to be notified when someone registers for your event
  • Select the date and time for your event.  Normally the start time will be when you meet at the carpool location, and the end time is expected return to Calgary.

2. Under Registration

  • Select the registration type you want - normally RSVP, then yes. maybe and allow comments.
  • You will get different options if you choose other options in the Registrations dropdown.

3. Location

  • Use the drop down to determine if we already have your carpool location pre loaded.
  • If not, please complete the appropriate sections

Hit Save

Your event is now live.  If you want an email sent to members who have expressed an interest in that type of event, please contact the

There are some tools in the top right corner so you may amend your event
