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Calgary Ski Club

Social Media Policy September 1, 2024

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The following defined terms have these meanings in this Policy:

a) Athlete – An individual who is subject to the policies of Calgary Ski Club, and who may also be subject to the policies of Nordiq Alberta, Nordiq Canada and the

Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (“UCCMS”)

b) Minor – as defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the Sport Dispute Resolution Centre of Canada (“SDRCC”)

c) Participants – Refers to all categories of individual Members and/or Registrants as defined in the By-laws of Calgary Ski Club who are subject to the policies of Calgary

Ski Club, as well as all people employed by, contracted by, or engaged in activities with Calgary Ski Club including, but not limited to, employees, contractors, Athletes,

coaches, instructors, officials, volunteers, managers, administrators, committee members, parents or guardians, spectators, directors or officers

d) Person in Authority – Any Participant who holds a position of authority within of Calgary Ski Club including, but not limited to, coaches, instructors, officials,

managers, support personnel, chaperones, committee members, directors or officers

e) Power Imbalance – as defined in the UCCMS and as amended from time to time by the SDRCC

f) Social Media – The catch-all term that is applied broadly to new computer- mediated communication media such as blogs, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, TikTok, Snapchat, and X (formerly known as Twitter).

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Preamble & Application of this Policy
Preamble & Application of this Policy


Calgary Ski Club is aware that Participant interaction and communication occurs frequently on Social Media. Calgary Ski Club cautions Participants that any conduct

falling short of the standard of behaviour required by this Social Media Policy and the Code of Conduct and Ethics may be subject to the disciplinary sanctions identified within the Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Application of this Policy

This Policy applies to all Participants.

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Conduct and Behaviour
Conduct and Behaviour

Conduct and Behaviour

All conduct and behaviour occurring on Social Media must comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Participants may not engage in the following behaviour on Social Media: a) Posting a disrespectful, hateful, harmful, disparaging, or insulting comment on a social medium that is directed at a Participant, Calgary Ski Club, Nordiq Canada or a Member 1 , or at other individuals connected with Calgary Ski Club or Nordiq Canada or its Members

b) Posting a picture, altered picture, or video on a social medium that is harmful, disrespectful, insulting, embarrassing, suggestive, provocative, or otherwise

offensive, and that is directed at a Participant, Calgary Ski Club, Nordiq Canada or a Member, or at other individuals connected with Calgary Ski Club or Nordiq Canada

or its Members

c) Creating or contributing to a Facebook group, webpage, Instagram account, X (formerly known as Twitter) feed, blog, or online forum devoted solely or in part to

promoting negative or disparaging remarks or commentary about Calgary Ski Club, Nordiq Canada, its Members, or their stakeholders or reputation

d) Inappropriate personal or sexual relationships over a social medium between Individuals who have a Power Imbalance in their interactions, such as between Athletes and coaches, Directors and Officers, committee members and staff, officials and Athletes, etc.

e) Any instance of cyber-bullying or cyber-harassment between one Participant and another Participant (including a teammate, coach, opponent, volunteer, or official),

where incidents of cyber-bullying and cyber-harassment can include but are not limited to the following conduct on any social medium, via text-message, or via

email: regular insults, negative comments, vexatious behaviour, pranks or jokes, threats, posing as another person, spreading rumours or lies, or other harmful


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Participants Responsibilities & Calgary Ski Club Responsibilities
Participants Responsibilities & Calgary Ski Club Responsibilities

Participants Responsibilities

Participants should be aware that their social media activity may be viewed by anyone; including Calgary Ski Club, Nordiq Canada and its Members.

If Calgary Ski Club unofficially engages with a Participant in Social Media (such as by retweeting a tweet or sharing a photo on Facebook) the Participant may, at any time, ask Calgary Ski Club to cease this engagement.

When using Social Media, a Participant must model appropriate behaviour befitting the Participant’s role and status in connection with Calgary Ski Club.

Removing content from Social Media after it has been posted (either publicly or privately) does not excuse the Participant from being subject to the Discipline and

Complaints Policy.

An individual who believes that a Participant’s Social Media activity is inappropriate or may violate policies and procedures should report the matter to Calgary Ski Club in the manner outlined by the Discipline and Complaints Policy.

Calgary Ski Club Responsibilities

Calgary Ski Club has a responsibility to understand if and how Persons in Authority and Athletes are using Social Media to communicate with each other. Persons in Authority and Athletes may need to be reminded that behaviour in Social Media is still subject to the Code of Conduct and Ethics and Social Media Policy.

Complaints and concerns about the behaviour of a Person in Authority or Athlete in Social Media can be addressed under the Discipline and Complaints Policy.

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Social Media Guidelines
Social Media Guidelines


The Guidelines in this section provide Persons in Authority and Athletes with tips and suggestions for Social Media use. Persons in Authority and Athletes are strongly encouraged to develop their own strategy for Social Media use (either written down or not) and ensure that their strategy for Social Media use is acceptable pursuant to the Code of Conduct and Ethics.

Given the nature of Social Media as a continually developing communication sphere, Calgary Ski Club trusts its Persons in Authority and Athletes to use their best judgment when interacting with Social Media. These Guidelines are not hard and fast rules or behavioural laws; but rather recommendations that will inform individuals’ best judgment.

Social Media Guidelines for Persons in Authority

Persons in Authority should consider the following guidelines to inform their own strategy for Social Media use:

a) With Minor Athletes, ensure that parents/guardians are aware if some interactions may take place on Social Media and the context for those interactions, and give

parents/guardians the option to prohibit or restrict communication in this space

b) Attempt to make communication with Athletes in Social Media as one-sided as possible. Be available for Athletes if they initiate contact – Athletes may wish to

have this easy and quick access to you – but avoid imposing yourself into an Athlete’s personal Social Media space

c) Ensure all Social Media communication is professional, unambiguous, and on-topic. Avoid emojis and unspecific language that can be interpreted in multiple ways

d) Choosing not to engage with Social Media is an acceptable strategy. Be prepared to inform Athletes (and/or parents/guardians) why you will not engage in this space

and explain which media you will use to communicate with them

e) Athletes will search for your Social Media accounts. Be prepared for how you will respond when an Athlete attempts to interact with you on Social Media

f) Annually review and update the privacy settings on all your Social Media accounts

g) Consider monitoring or being generally aware of Athletes’ public Social Media behaviour to ensure compliance with Code of Conduct and Ethics and this Policy

h) Never demand access to an Athlete’s private posts on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook

i) Do not send friend requests to Athletes. Never pressure Athletes to send you a friend request or follow your Social Media accounts

j) If you accept a friend request from one Athlete, you should accept these requests from all Athletes. Be careful not to show favouritism on Social Media

k) Consider managing your Social Media so that Athletes do not have the option to follow you on X (formerly known as Twitter) or send you a friend request on


l) Do not identify Minor Athletes on publicly available Social Media

m) Seek permission from adult Athletes before identifying them on publicly available Social Media

 n) Avoid adding Athletes to Snapchat and do not send snapchats to Athletes

o) Do not post pictures or videos of Minor Athletes on your private Social Media accounts

p) Be aware that you may acquire information about an Athlete that imposes an obligation of disclosure on your part (such as seeing pictures of underage Athletes

drinking during a trip)

q) If selection decisions and other official team business are announced on Social Media, ensure they are also posted on a less-social medium like a website or

distributed via email

r) Never require Athletes to join Facebook, join a Facebook group, subscribe to a X (formerly known as Twitter) feed, or join a Facebook page about your team or


s) If you create a page on Facebook or Instagram for your team or Athlete, do not make this Social Media site the exclusive location for important information.

Duplicate important information in less-social channels (like on a website or via email)

t) Exercise appropriate discretion when using Social Media for your own personal communications (with friends, colleagues, and other Persons in Authority) with the

knowledge that your behaviour may be used as a model by Athletes

u) Avoid association with Facebook groups, Instagram accounts, or X (formerly known as Twitter) feeds with explicit sexual conduct or viewpoints that might offend or

compromise your relationship with an Athlete

v) Never misrepresent yourself by using a fake name or fake profile

Social Media Guidelines for Athletes

The following tips should be used by Athletes to inform their own strategy for Social Media use:

a) Set your privacy settings to restrict who can search for you and what private information other people can see.

b) Coaches, teammates, officials, or opposing competitors may all add you to Facebook or follow you on Instagram or X (formerly known as Twitter). You are not

required to follow anyone or be Facebook friends with anyone.

c) Avoid adding Persons in Authority to Snapchat and do not send snapchats to Persons in Authority.

d) If you feel harassed by someone in a social medium, report it to your coach or another Person in Authority with your organization.

e) You do not have to join a fan page on Facebook or follow a X (formerly known as Twitter feed or Instagram account.

f) Content posted on a social medium, relative to your privacy settings, is considered public. In most cases, you do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy for any

material that you post.

g) Content posted to a social medium is almost always permanent – consider that other individuals may take screencaps of your content (even snapchats) before you

can delete them.

h) Avoid posting pictures of, or alluding to, participation in illegal activity such as: speeding, physical assault, harassment, drinking alcohol (if underage), and smoking

marijuana (if underage).

i) Model appropriate behaviour in Social Media befitting your status as a) an Athlete, and b) a member of your organization and its governing organizations. As a

representative of your organization, you have agreed to the Code of Conduct and Ethics and must follow that Code when you post material and interact with other

people through Social Media.

j) Be aware that your public Facebook page, Instagram account, or X (formerly known as Twitter feed may be monitored by your organization, coach, or by another

organization and content or behaviour demonstrated in Social Media may be subject to sanction under the Discipline and Complaints Policy.


The collection, use and disclosure of any personal information pursuant to this Policy is subject to Calgary Ski Club’s Privacy Policy.

The collection, use and disclosure of any personal information pursuant to this Policy is subject to Calgary Ski Club’s Privacy Policy.