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Thinking about joining the Calgary Ski Club?
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 Our members - Meet fellow adventurers and nature-lovers 

Perhaps you've always had friends to go skiing, boarding or hiking with – but they've started giving excuses, or lost the interest. Never fear, you're far from the only one! Many people join the Calgary Ski Club to keep enjoying the outdoors as longtime friends drop out and children grow up.

Other members have just moved to the area and want to find people who share their outdoor interests and can introduce them to the best trails and hills. 

For membership rates, see the Policy Overview page under The Fine Print tab.

 Events - Not just a ski club!

While we do cross country, downhill and snowshoe in the winter, our members enjoy hiking, biking, golf and kayaking in the off-season.   Events are geared towards reasonably fit adults, with some aimed at specific ability level.  While we are known for our extended events, we offer regular carpool day trips to local trails and hills.

If you are looking for new gear, we also co-host the Calgary New & Used Ski Sale with our friends from the Lake Louise Ski Clubs and the local zone of the Canadian Ski Patrol.


Scroll through our Events tab to see the events we host.

▶ Our Club - volunteer, recreational, non-competitive

The Calgary Ski Club is a volunteer runyear-round outdoor recreational club.  We keep our membership a reasonable size to enable you to get on events and to meet new friends more easily.  We are a non-competitive and friendly bunch.


 Our Website - a Virtual clubhouse

You can preview and register for Events, update your personal information, keep track of events you have been on, and even set up a personal photo album for pictures from events you have attended.  Among many other things.

We asked our members what they like best

Survey says...

✔️We get on events more easily 

Have you ever been in an outdoor group with thousands of members on Meetup or elsewhere, and every event that's posted is instantly full – often with the organizers' friends or people who'll drop out last minute?  

This Club is not like that. While some events fill up fast, the organizers try to keep signups as fair as possible.  We also don't seem inclined to recruit thousands of members. It seems to be a few hundred people who like to enjoy nature in a friendly, non-competitive group – making it far more likely you'll be able to join in on fabulous day trips and overnight getaways.  

More of the same friendly faces 

Even when you're lucky enough to get on events in other larger groups, you rarely see the same people twice. Because the Calgary Ski Club is a reasonable size, we see familiar faces in event after event. You will make some great ski buddies.  It feels like a community. 

✔️Meet fellow adventurers and nature-lovers 

Another happy member says, "I used to have a gang to go skiing and hiking with – but they've dropped away as they got married and had kids.  Some lost interest as they got older. Never fear, when I joined the ski club, I found lots of people to keep enjoying the outdoors with."

✔️Avoid the list hogs 

While the club has a modest yearly membership fee, it seems to weed out the kinds of people my other free club struggled with – those who clog up every event list only to drop out at the last minute.  It also helps pay for the website and some admin costs.



✔️We save hundreds of dollars 

The membership fee is well worth it and easily recouped.  First, if you want, you can carpool on many trips, saving wear and tear on your car as well as providing company to enjoy the ride.  

Many events are subsidized through fundraising, especially through co-hosting the Calgary New & Used Ski Sale.

There are often group rates on accommodations on trips, saving even more money. There are deals on ski area cards getting you on the hill for less money. While discounts and deals vary year to year, we always get the best value for money. 


✔️Save even more money by volunteering 

Unlike many clubs, we get rewarded for volunteering.  You earn points or other rewards by for leading trips, working at the ski sale, or serving on committees and council.  Points can be used to reduce the cost of most paid events. No good deed goes unrewarded! 

✔️Get first dibs on gear 

If you volunteer at the annual New and Used Ski Sale, you also get first opportunity to check out and buy new or used ski equipment. Beat the crowds and get the best selection! 

✔️New to the area

Bob says "I joined after moving to the area and found friends through the club who shared my outdoor interests. The event hosts are great and it is an easy way to find local trails."

How to be a good member!  

  1. Don't be shy, sign up for events.

  2. Treat your event host with respect and thank them.  They are volunteers.  

  3. Treat all others and their property with respect.

  4. Participate within your ability and be prepared. Be responsible for your personal safety.

  5. Be open to having a good experience -- even when things go wrong.

  6. Take turns driving on carpool trips.

  7. Respect the laws and regulations of the host jurisdiction or venue  including the appropriate skier responsibility codes and CSC policies, guidelines and bylaws.

  8. Respect the wilderness and follow the leave-no-trace motto.

  9. Provide feedback on what you did or didn't like and give us a chance to fix it.

  10. Volunteer: many hands make light work.

We do have some people who pay their membership fee, never sign up for any events and drop out the following year.  While we will gladly accept your money, we would prefer you to get active, come out to events and meet other members. Give us a true trial run!

Who or what we are not.

We are not a competition-focused Club.  Nor are we a single-sport Club with a multitude of one type of event.  If you are looking to compete or like to focus on one sport, we would be happy to refer you to an appropriate club.  You may also refer to our resource page (under construction) for a list of other clubs or groups that may be a better fit for you.

Welcome Members
Welcome new members