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HomeLoppet 2025

Calgary Ski Club's 53rd Lake Louise Loppet

Sunday MARCH 2, 2025

Race Results on Zone4
2025 Lake Louise Loppet Results

Photos from the race
2025 Lake Louise Loppet Photos
Photos by Chuck
Photos by Jodie

Draw Prizes
All prizes had to be claimed in person on race day, and if you didn’t pick up your race package, that prize has been given to one of the Lake Louise Loppet volunteers through a random draw.
2025 Draw Prizes Winners



Registration will close on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 4:00 pm

New this year: 25 KM course, and a Team of 2 Event on the 13 KM course
A Loppet is a "community fun race" open to all ages and abilities. The Calgary Ski Club's annual Lake Louise Loppet is the longest running in Western Canada. It is held every year in Lake Louise on the first Sunday in March. We encourage you, your family and friends to come out and participate in this extraordinary event and enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Lake Louise while cross country skiing.

In the spirit of reconciliation, the Calgary Ski Club invites Indigenous cross country skiers, young or old to participate in each Lake Louise Loppet.

Able-bodied skiers of all ages and speeds are welcome, and we look forward to more Para-Nordic Sit-Skiers joining us this year and also Special Olympians, please join as well. We have routes and distances to challenge all ski levels. 

Registration Fees are based on race distance selected

25 km: $65* / $85  - must be able to maintain 7 km/hour pace, cut-off at Fairview intersection

13 km: $35* / $50  - must be able to maintain 4 km /hour pace - Fee for Singles and for each Team member (Team of 2)

10 km: $20* / $35  - must be able to maintain 3 km / hour pace
1,3 and 6 km $15* / $20

* Early Bird Pricing valid until February 14th, 2025

Nordic Canada's insurance fee and Zone 4 processing fee will be added at registration.

Age Categories, across all distances

Up to 14,

15 to 19,
20 to 
99 years old in 10 year age groupings.


1 Km:  3 to 6 years old

3 Km:  Up to 8 years old

3 Km:  9 to 10 years old



Bib and Timing Chip Pickup


9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. on Sunday morning, Lake Louise Upper Parking Lot


Race Times


25 Km: 11:00 a.m. Mass Start  (Faster skiers to the front)


13 Km: 11:10 a.m. Mass Start  (Faster skiers to the front)


10 Km:  11:20 a.m. Mass Start


6 Km:  11:25 a.m. Mass Start


3 Km:  11:30 a.m. Mass Start


1 Km:  11:35 a.m. Mass Start


Times are approximate.  If there are no participants in a race distance, next race will move up.  Be at the start location ready to go early.

Racer Registration is at this link -

Be sure to bring your own water bottle and fanny pack to self-hydrate throughout the race.


Download Maps


1, 3, 6 KM




13 KM

25 KM

Take the Bus!

Transportation for racers to the Loppet is available and recommended. Parking at Lake Louise is managed and limited by Parks Canada on a first come basis. Calgary racers are encouraged to get on the buses and enjoy the ride. We will drive you on a 56 passenger bus, equipped with individual seat-belts at a discounted price from Calgary to Lake Louise. Buses will be at north Edworthy Parking lot, bottom of Shaganappi at 7:00 a.m. and will be arriving at the Lake Louise Upper Parking Lot before 10:00 a.m.

Confirm your desire to ride the bus by emailing, and if we get enough interest we will put the right sized bus on for you.  

Where to Stay
Lake Louise Inn
(403) 522-3791 or 1 (800) 661-9237

Baker Creek Mountain Resort
(403) 522-3761

Chateau Lake Louise
1 (800) 441-1414

Mountaineer Lodge
1 (855) 556-8473 

Banff National Park 
This event takes place in Banff National Park, the heart of the Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site. Banff National Park has much more to offer than 'just' fresh air and world-class scenery - we hope you will enjoy the park's cultural treasures and discover its natural wonders too.

Park Passes

All event participants must have a valid National Park Pass. Banff National Park entry fees go towards maintaining the park's roadways, viewpoints, day use areas and trails - and the information, education, resource protection and public safety services offered by Parks Canada staff. For prices or to order your park pass online:

Park Stewardship Opportunities

The Calgary Ski Club and the Lake Louise Loppet organizing committee wish to promote opportunities for participants to engage in park stewardship activities pre and post the Lake Louise Loppet. Participants are encouraged to explore while here for the event or on return trips. Whether you are an individual, couple or family, local or international, or part of a larger group visiting Banff National Park, you will find mountains of opportunities to engage in programs that support a sustainable future for the park at this link:

Want to Volunteer?

The Loppet is 100% volunteer run. Help is always appreciated. For more information, or to volunteer, visit the volunteer portal on our website - Link and registration will open in January

We also need volunteers prior to race day at Stake and Stomp the Lake on Sunday, February 23rd, 2025   link to be provided when event registration opens.
Please contact for specific volunteer questions.

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mountaineer lodge