President Gerry Galambos
Past President John Walton
Vice President David Browne
Vice President Myles MacPherson
Treasurer Joshua Ulliac
Secretary Lori Davidson
Director Richard Graham
Director Treasure Ducharme
Director Marc Arsenault
Director Tara Garratt
Director Florine Robichaud
Technology Alexey Lyubavin
bold - new Council members for 2024-2025
The Club is entirely volunteer-run. If you have questions or concerns, please leave a message at 403-282-4122 or email, and we will respond to inquiries as soon as possible. Expect delays in responding on powder, sunny, cold and warm days.
Annual General Meetings (AGM) are held in the fall or early winter, and all paid members in good standing will be invited. These meetings are your opportunity to vote on crucial Club issues, examine financial statements, ask questions and offer suggestions for the ongoing management of the Club. And, of course, socialize and meet fellow members!
Elections are also held for Council positions. To be run for or nominate someone for a Council position, please contact the Vice-President before the AGM as noted in the AGM notice.
If you wish to have a motion or other item added to the agenda, please notify the President in advance as outlined in your invitation. For major issues, we will have online voting so all members can vote even if they cannot attend the meeting.
Any urgent business that requires input from the general membership may require a Special General Meeting, and all members will be informed if needed.