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HomeHiking & Cycling

  Hiking & Cycling

Did you know that hiking is the number one outdoor pursuit for Albertans?

Extend your activities beyond the ski season by joining our popular hiking and cycling events scheduled throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons. See our Event Calendar for the current schedule and registration and transportation information.

Join fellow hikers and cyclists and meet new friends and hike and cycle with experienced volunteers who know the area. Socialize with fellow members before, during or after the event.

Popular Destinations

We coordinate hiking day trips anywhere within easy reach of Calgary.  There are also regular cycling outings up to 100 km for those who prefer to remain seated.  Explore mountain trails on foot or Calgary's pathways by bike.  Or pedal through the countryside to local towns and sample recommended eateries, pubs, coffee houses either before, during or after the event.

Hike Rating and Difficulty

Hikes are rated by both length and difficulty.

  • Short up to 10 km

  • Medium 10 to 20 km

  • Long over 20 km

  • Casual - Requires no hiking experience and a minimal level of fitness. However, the hikes may be relatively long and have some steep and challenging sections.

  • Intermediate - Conditions may be more rugged and with 500 m or more of elevation gain. Must be reasonably athletic and wear good hiking boots.

  • Challenging - Considerable off-trail travel with substantial (steep) elevation gain. These hikes should be attempted only by experienced hikers who find our intermediate hikes to be no problem.

We recommend that you consult with a relevant guide book and, if in doubt, talk to the hike’s coordinator.


Important Safety Information

The Club selects Members who are familiar with local trails and routes to organize events and outings. Coordinators may cancel or redirect an event if conditions appear unsuitable. They may refuse participation if you do not have the proper equipment or skills. They may ask you to go back if it is unsafe for you to continue. If a person ignores the Coordinator's advice, that person is no longer considered a participant in that event. Trip leaders are not trained guides and may not have first aid training. As a common adventurer, each participant is responsible for ensuring their safety. You are responsible for any expenses incurred in rescue costs.

Parks now often charge to evacuate people from the backcountry in an emergency. CSC policy is that any such expense is the hiker or participant's responsibility and not the Club's. The Club merely organizes events. 

Hiking, Cycling & Outdoor Adventure Checklist

Lunch and water bottle.  Sunglasses. A day pack with jacket, sunblock, First Aid kit, moleskin. As the weather around Calgary changes rapidly, consider wind pants, hat or toque and gloves.  Any medications.  Remember, you may be out for longer than you planned.

For Hikers: Hiking boots, gators, toilet paper (and plastic bag), bear spray, map and compass or reliable GPS.

Optional: Camera, two-way radio, personal locator beacon.

Cyclists: Ensure your bike is in good repair and carry a repair kit with spare tubes and patches.  Equip your bike with a bell and both a headlight and a tail light for safety.

Hiking & Outdoor Adventure Reference Guides & Maps

Many books detail hikes, walks and cycle routes in and around Calgary, Kananaskis and Banff.  We recommend you invest in a good guidebook and a map or two.  Spend the extra dollar or so, and get a water-resistant map.

There are also many online resources as well as phone apps like Strava and Hike Tracker.  Be aware that these may not be accessible or work properly outside of urban areas and may quickly use up battery life.