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HomePolicy Overview

Policies, Guidelines, Bylaws

The following are guidelines for Club members. We expect you to behave responsibly and treat others, and their property, with respect.  Please use your common sense.  Remember what you learned in kindergarten.  Play nice.  Member conduct is covered in the Participation, Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk you acknowledged when you register for an event. 

We want our Club to be a safe, welcoming place where people can enjoy the outdoors.  Rude, obnoxious or crude behaviour or language will not be tolerated.  

Try to resolve any differences or disagreements with another Member in good faith and in a non-confrontational and timely manner. Escalate if needed to the Club Council.  

Please report any breach of bylaws, code of conduct or inappropriate behaviou
r to or or any member of the Council.


Our memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable. We maintain a 12-month 'rolling' membership commencing with the membership payment date.  To join, complete the  Membership Application, read and accept the Participation, Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement and Code of Conduct, and pay the annual fee through our online registration option.

Adult Member
Family Membership
Senior Membership
Senior Couple
Honorary Members
Individual adult, age 18 to 64.  Cost is $50.00 per year.
One or two adults 18 to 64, living at the same address plus dependent children.  Adult members have full voting privileges.  Children cannot register themselves for events.  The cost is $75.00 per year effective Apr 1st 2024.  

You must accept the CSC Waiver and Assumption of Risk for each person registered on a family membership. Please read the CSC waiver carefully for all information regarding limitations on liability.


Children under 18 must be accompanied by, and have a parent/guardian present for all  events.. A parent or guardian must be on-site during a child's activity, event or trip; CSC assumes no liability should children be left unattended by a parent or guardian.

Volunteer Points are shared among family members.

Although the CSC is family-friendly, some events may be designated as adult only.

Individual adult age 65 or older.  Cost is 25.00 per year.
Two adults living at the same address, one person must be age 65 or older.  Members share volunteer points.   The cost is $50.00 per year.
Members who have made significant contributions to the Club or the sport of skiing may be granted honorary membership.  Honorary members retain full voting privileges as long as they are active.

Event Policy


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Extended Trips
Extended Trips

Extended Trips

We offer a variety of events to suit different budgets and styles. These may range from smaller self-drive groups staying in condo accommodations to self-drive self-book events, to large bus groups, as well as various other scenarios.

Events Hosts are volunteers. Please treat them with respect. Please read the description carefully and assess your ability, fitness and any risks before registering.  

Members & Guests

All people who attend events must be up-to-date members. Guests are only permitted on subsidized events or extended bus trips if approved by Council, and an exception appears on trip information, and non-member rates may apply.  Off-line registration may be required in these cases.


All members must be registered for the Event on our Website. No exceptions.  This is for insurance and liability reasons.


We are unable to accommodate walk-ups due to accommodation requirements.

Accommodation & Room Sharing

Most of our extended events will offer a choice of single or shared rooms. We limit choices to keep things simpler for our Event Hosts.  

If you want a room for yourself, please select the single room option at registration. If you choose the shared room option, we give you the option of indicating who your roommate will be. They will have to register and pay as well. If your intended roommate does not register or subsequently cancels, we will place you with another roommate. We will try to find someone compatible, but we make no promises.

If you are the odd-numbered person to sign up for a shared room and we cannot fill the extra spot, you will not be charged the single rate. However, if you then request to be by yourself, you must pay the total single rate.

If you require a special rate for extra people sharing a room, i.e. a family, please contact the Event Host, and we will work out a suitable rate.

Cancellation Policy -Paid Events 

Please read the following carefully.

It is your responsibility to obtain appropriate cancellation and medical insurance.  All cancellations will be charged a $25.00 fee.

Before the cancellation date, cancellation for a paid event must be made by notifying the Event Host and emailing before the cancellation date shown on the event.

After the cancellation date

Refunds will only be provided after the cancellation cutoff date if;

a) the event is full, and a replacement is found for your spot. 


b) we can do so with no loss to the Club.

c) if a refund is provided, a 25.00 cancellation will apply.

For further information, contact us at or 403-282-4122.

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Day Trips
Day Trips

Day Trips

We offer a variety of midweek and weekend trips in various activities that may be of interest to members. Most events will be carpooling, but a few may be by bus.

Please register online through the Events tab for any event you wish to attend. Please read the description carefully and assess your ability, fitness and any risks before registering. Note that sometimes route finding is necessary. Events Hosts are volunteers. Please treat them with respect.

 Please see our policy on pets if you intend to bring them.  

Latecomers and Walk-ups

Latecomers who have not registered online are welcome at the discretion of the Event Host and will have to sign a waiver before being allowed to join the activity. Latecomers can only carpool or bus with registered participants only if space available. Otherwise, latecomers will be responsible for providing their transportation.


Cancellation - Free Events

Cancellation for a scheduled event that does not involve payment should be made through the event before the cut-off date or, if last-minute, via text or email to the host. If you are running late, please notify the host as soon as safely possible. Please do not be a no-show. This means people may be waiting unnecessarily for you and may mean other members may not be able to attend when there are limited spots.  No-shows may be banned from future events.

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Car Pooling
Car Pooling

Carpooling - cost sharing

CSC Carpool Calculator

This formula is based on average mileage of 10l/100km plus 6 cents per km for maintenance and the current average price per litre of gasoline.

So in simple terms: Cost per litre of gas, plus 60 cents. Multiply the resulting figure by the number of km round trip and divide by 10. The resulting figure is the "cost" per vehicle, and this should be divided by the number of occupants in the car, including the driver, to get each person's share. Obviously, you should round off for simplicity. Please add a bit to compensate the driver for having a park pass.


Driver and passengers may make their own arrangements if all agree. Where possible, frequent participants should take turns driving.


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All trips/events will be no pets unless expressly noted. Events Hosts are welcome to offer pet-friendly events, but these must be clearly indicated on the Event listing. Properly registered & licensed service dogs are welcome.

Members are responsible for always keeping their pet under control and on a leash and abiding by Park and other regulations. (unless in a designated off-leash area).  

Members may be banned from trips if they do not follow regulations or fail to pick up after their pets.

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Points for Passess
Points for Passess

Points for Passes allows members to use volunteer points and encourages the purchase of passes to get out and enjoy the mountains more frequently. 

  1. A member may purchase one(or more) of the following passes for full or partial reimbursement from their points:
  • Parks Canada Annual Pass
  • Alberta Parks Pass -Conservation and Public Lands pass.
  • Canmore Nordic Center Annual Pass
  • A season pass at a downhill resort. Full, midweek, spring etc
  • A multi-area ski pass such as Mountain Collective, Epic etc.
  • A Nordic Ski Lab membership
  1. The procedure for reimbursement is as follows. 
  2.  The member will pay for the applicable pass, check their available points, and submit their request for reimbursement through the Expense Portal under the DIY tab.
  3. The Club will, once a month, review receipts and prepare a cheque or money transfer for the number of volunteer points held by the member, up to the amount of the pass price.
  4. This is an administratively heavy task at certain times of the year, so the member should be aware that reimbursement will occur on the Treasurer’s schedule.
  • Volunteer points are earned and recorded individually but can be shared among family members for purchases. If you wish to use family points for this program, please clearly indicate so.
  1. There will be no reimbursement for day passes, individual lift tickets, Costco ticket packages or the like. Ski Area Discount cards are not covered as we have a separate program.
  2. All points decisions are final, and this policy may be withdrawn at any time without notice.

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First Aid Course and Kits
First Aid Course and Kits

CSC strongly recommends active Event Hosts who do not currently hold first aid certification obtain a basic 2-day first aid certification (St. Johns Ambulance or equivalent) at club expense to a max of $200.00 plus the triennial recertification.   

Events Hosts will be provided with a free first aid kit if they request/require one (MEC adventure Backcountry First Aid kit or equivalent).

Course reimbursement Process

  • The Event Host will request authorization from Council and then register and pay for course or recertification
  • Upon course completion, submit the expense through the Expense reimbursement portal.
  • Treasurer will reimburse the cost, up to 200.00 for a new course and up to 100.00 for a recert.

Kit Reimbursement Process

This will be offered to Events Hosts each year at the spring planning meeting. Once we know the number, one of the Council members can pick up and distribute the kits. Reimbursement through the Expense Portal.

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CSC Volunteer Points
CSC Volunteer Points

The Club maintains a program to reward and recognize member volunteers who give time to the club.  More details on other volunteer benefits are available on our  Volunteering Pays page. 

  1. Points have no monetary value. Points are redeemable based on one dollar per point toward the cost of membership renewals, club events or other items as decided by Council. Points are auto-deducted when paying through the Club's event calendar or store.
  2. Points are earned only by the member & are not transferable but are shared between family members. 
  3. All points expire 2 years from posting or earlier if your membership lapses. 
  4. You may check your points on your member profile. Member Profile
  5. Points and other reward programs are a token to encourage and recognize volunteers, not as payment for work.  
  6. All points and rewards are at the discretion of the Council and may be discontinued or amended at any time.  Members violating the spirit of volunteerism and the CSC point system may have points removed or denied.
  7. The Council reserves the right to use other methods of recognition.

Volunteer Rewards & Redemptions –  The Club may offer other incentives instead of points.

  • General volunteering will have incentives, if any, determined by Council.   
  • Ski Sale volunteers earn 15 CSC Points per hour, as confirmed by the CNUSS* sign-in log to a maximum of 600 points. (department leads excepted)

Event Hosts

Hosts are awarded a maximum of 1200 points a year. Serial events will earn a maximum of 100 points annually. Events must be posted on the website and proceed with the Host plus 3 registered club members to earn points.  Exceptions may be granted for unusual circumstances – weather, fire, etc.

Less complex events will earn fewer points. If a trip has multiple Hosts, points must be shared. Points are awarded as follows:

  1. Extended Bus Trips - up to 400 points.  Hosts organize / schedule - overnight parking, the bus (bus line, food and drinks), hotel rooms, main activity and social events.
  2. Day Bus Trips - up to 150 points.  Hosts organize / schedule - parking, bus (bus line, food and drinks) and events.
  3. Extended Self-Drive or Airline Trips - up to 300 points.  Hosts organize / schedule - carpooling or airline, hotel, main event and social events.
  4. Day Self-Drive Trips / Self-Book Self-Drive Trips / Calgary Social Events - up to 50 points.  Host organizes / schedules - everything required for the event, such as, carpooling, snacks, main activity, and event tickets.


Serving on Council 250 Points Must complete full term and attend meetings

CNUSS exec/mgt/ops 250 points Prorated for part year but must complete term/sale

Auditing books 100 Points Max two auditors

Casino  no points  Sorry, AGLC Rules

Redemption of points

Any membership renewal, posted trip/event/merchandise/ski card offered and purchased via the website $1.00 per point. Points will be deducted automatically during the payment screen. Points are shared in family memberships, so points from other family memberships will be applied if needed.

Points for Passes. Members may request reimbursement through the expense portal for passes. Refer to that program.

Event Hosts may purchase guidebooks applicable to the events they run, i.e. hiking, snowshoeing, XC trail guides etc. Reimbursement is through the expense portal.

Other notes

**Points may take 60 or more days to reflect on the system

CNUSS is Calgary New & Used Ski Sale

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Each spring or summer, Council reviews the Club Finances and decides on a subsidy pool. We intend that subsidies should benefit as many members as possible who participate in the Club. This should apply to more than extended events or one sport but also to day trip events.

As a Club, we keep administration costs low to put more money into member benefits and subsidies.

Subsidies- general

  1. The Club Objects and by-line should be kept in mind when subsidizing events.
  2. NOT ALL EVENTS WILL BE SUBSIDIZED.  If an event needs a subsidy to attract members, it may be inappropriate.
  3. Most subsidized events are scheduled at a pre-season planning meeting, and these will have priority.  Events added as fill-ins or add-ons will be accommodated within budget constraints.
  4. We will allocate a budget amount to subsidize day trips for hiking, cross country etc.
  5. We may allocate a small pool for Socials (not event-related).
  6. Subsidies will first be considered on events that appeal to and are open to the broadest range of members. 
  7. High-end events that appeal to a more select crowd may not be subsidized - i.e. Cat Skiing, Hiking in Hawaii, Japan trip etc.   Usually, a subsidy will not make a difference in signups or enable more members to attend on these type of events.
  8. Subsidized events must be related to the sports we do.
  9. We will not subsidize events that are controversial, political or pet projects.

Subsidy Guidelines

  1. Extended events should have at least 10 participants before considering a subsidy.
  2. In most cases the total subsidy should not exceed 40% of the cost of the trip. 
  3. The maximum subsidy should be $50 per person per day to a maximum of $100.  Subsidies may be less for smaller trips and should have an allowance for the unexpected. Please note carefully - this is a maximum, not the expected.  
  4. We will not approve a trip with open-ended subsidies and unlimited participants.
  5. For an extended bus trip, the maximum subsidy should be the cost of the Bus with a calculation showing the average subsidy person at various levels. The trip will be approved as a bus trip with a minimum number of participants to keep the per-person subsidy within guidelines.
  6. When requesting a subsidy, please be prepared to show the following.

a) The maximum number of participants and total subsidy if sold out.

b) The minimum to proceed as a bus event, and at what number do you cancel or go to self-drive.

Approving subsidies

  1. The Club may use a small committee to approve subsidies rather than go through the full Council.  The committee will given a budget and discretion to approve events within that total budget.
  2. An effort will be made to balance the subsidies between the various interests of the Club, but this will skew primarily to DH and XC skiing. Occasionally with Council approval, a larger subsidy may be granted to balance the offerings between various groups.


When considering the overall budget, remember the following when considering our subsidy budget.

Set aside a pool for day trip subsidies - this would be for drinks or treats at the end of a hike, for example.

Set aside a pool for socials - perhaps we buy appies.

Subsidy on Discount Ski Cards.

AGM when held in person (or as an after-AGM Social)


Volunteer appreciation and other planning meetings.

Lake Louise Loppet losses, if any.

Objects & Bylaws

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Club Objects
Club Objects

The following motion was passed at the Club's 2020 AGM.

Calgary Ski Club 

Special Resolution to Amend Objects 

Be it therefore resolved as a Special Resolution of the Calgary Ski Club: 

The objects of the Club be updated as follows; 

1. The name of the Society is “Calgary Ski Club” (no change) .

2. The objects of the Society are; 

a) To provide opportunities for members to participate in and enjoy skiing and related  winter and summer sports, recreation and outdoor activities.  

b) To provide opportunities, facilities and accommodation for skiing and sporting  outings and social interaction among its members. 

c) To encourage the sport of skiing and other sports generally, and to cooperate with  other sporting organizations for the benefit of sport and recreation. 


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CSC Bylaws revised Nov 12 2020 



Membership in the Calgary Ski Club (“CSC” or the “Club”) is open to persons interested in any activity of  the Club who have met the requirements of membership, completed the application for membership and accepted the Club’s Waiver of Liability 

Membership Limits, Duration, Classes and Fees 

Limits on number of members, length of membership period, classes of membership and fees shall be  set by Council. Council rulings on memberships may be varied by a majority vote at the AGM. 

Members’ Rights, Duties and Obligations 

Unless otherwise stated, members may: 

1. Participate in Club activities and volunteer to help run the Club and its activities.

2. Attend any meeting, and vote at any Annual or Special General Meeting (AGM, SGM).

3. Hold office (unless bankrupt), sit on committees and propose candidates for Council.

4. Use the property of the Club safely and in accordance with Directives. 

Unless otherwise stated members shall: 

1. Pay membership fees as prescribed and comply with Club Bylaws and Objectives.

2. Provide current full name, address, and other information as required. 

3. Behave respectfully to fellow members and the public and follow the rules for activities or venues  they participate in as a member, including the Alpine Responsibility Code and the Nordiq Canada  Code of Conduct  

Expulsion or suspension from Membership 

1. Council shall have the right to sanction members for any action, including, but not limited to: a. Damaging or defacing Club Property or damaging or defacing property while part of a Club  event or at a Club facility. 

b. Persistently disruptive or offensive behavior while a part of a Club event. 

c. Conduct that tends to bring the Club into disrepute. 

d. Conduct that is contrary to the Objects and Bylaws of the Club. 

2. The Council shall act as soon as is reasonable after learning of the alleged action and shall consider  the circumstances, the nature of the action, the persistence, the prospects of repetition and any  expressions or explanations made by the member. 

3. Sanctions imposed may be a reprimand, a suspension for a specified period or expulsion.

4. Such sanction is effective upon notification to the member and Council shall furnish the member  with a copy of this section. 

5. Within fourteen days from notification, the member may appeal to the Council. If appealed, council  shall meet within 14 days for the member to present their appeal. The Council shall, by two-thirds  (2/3) majority vote, confirm, amend or revoke their decision. If Council is unable to reach a 2/3's  decision, the member's appeal will fail. 

6. While under appeal, any suspension or expulsion of a member shall continue. 

7. Separately from any sanctions, Council, on behalf of the Club, may commence legal proceedings for  damages or compensation or injunctive relief. 

8. Members shall be fully responsible and accountable for the actions of guests that they invite to a  Club function or facility.

Withdrawal of Membership 

A member may withdraw from the Club by letting their membership lapse, or by notifying Council by  email. A withdrawing member shall pay all monies to the Club and return all property and forego and  cease use of the Club name or logo.  

Member Reward Programs 

1. The Council may offer, amend or withdraw reward programs or incentives to encourage members to  volunteer or participate in programs, events or fundraisers. 

2. Any program incurring future liability to the club shall be recorded as a liability of the Club and shall  expire not more than two years following the month they were earned or accrued. 

Voting rights 

1. Eligible members, as defined by Council, may vote at an AGM or SGM, as outlined in that section.

2. Suspended members and children in family memberships shall not have voting rights. 


Any meeting of the Club may be in person, via video conferencing or such method as determined by  Council to best suit the needs of the Members and the Club. The Council shall determine a fair and open  method of voting that may include personal attendance, proxy, and electronic means. Proxy ballots in  writing in sufficient form must be provided to the President no later than 7 days prior to the meeting.  

Annual General Meeting 

The AGM shall be held no later than the fall of each year at a time and place set by the President or  Council. The official examination of the Club’s financial records shall be available at the AGM or prior. 

Special General Meeting 

SGMs may be called by the President or Council or on the written request of any twenty members.  Notice of SGM shall state the reason for which the meeting is being called. 

Notification of AGM or SGM 

1. Members will be given no less than 28 days’ notice of an AGM or SGM via email or postal mail or  newsletter. 

2. Motions for consideration must be given to the President 21 days prior to the meeting.

3. Any bylaw changes and motions to be voted upon at the AGM or SGM will be provided to the  membership no less than 14 days prior to the meeting. 

4. Procedural motions or amendments may be dealt with at the meeting without prior notice. 

Quorum & Voting 

1. A quorum for the AGM or a SGM shall be twenty members having voting rights or ten percent of the  members, whichever is the lesser.  

2. Motions shall be decided by a simple majority of votes cast except as otherwise noted. 

3. Special Resolutions of any type including Bylaw changes shall be decided in accordance with the  Societies Act. 

Rules of Order 

1. All meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order as long as they are consistent with the  Societies Act (Alberta) as amended.  

2. The President or Vice-President shall preside at all meetings and in their absence any Council  member may preside, on majority resolution.

Delay in meeting 

If it is not reasonably possible to hold an AGM or SGM as otherwise required, it shall be held as soon as  reasonably practicable thereafter. Notice for a re-scheduled meeting shall be no less than 2 weeks and  may rely on materials already delivered to members. 


1. The Members shall elect a Council at the AGM to oversee and direct the activities of the Club.  Council shall continue to serve until their successors are elected or appointed. 

2. Council shall consist of: a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Secretary and 2 Directors. An  additional Vice-President and up to 4 additional Directors may be elected. The immediate past  President may remain on Council for one year after the end of their term as president. 

3. No person shall remain in a Council position for more than 5 consecutive years unless no other  member stands for election to that position. 

Elections of Council 

1. The Vice President shall lead a Nomination Committee with two members who have been members  for two years. Members may self-nominate and all nominations shall be accepted. 2. The Vice-president or a designate shall conduct the election.  

3. The meeting Chair has the right to require any vote retaken if there is any doubt as to the result. 4. Council shall have the right to fill vacant positions and to appoint non-voting members of council to  contribute specific skills or knowledge. 

Council Meetings 

Council meetings shall be held at least quarterly. Any three members of Council may call a meeting on  reasonable notice to the other members of Council. A quorum for Council Meetings shall be five Council  members including one Officer. 

Council Duties and Powers 

1. Council shall direct the affairs and activities of the Club in a diligent manner, in the best interests of  the members and in accordance with any applicable laws and legislation. The Council shall keep the  general wishes of the membership foremost in any decisions. 

2. Council may appoint non-voting members to Council to bring areas of expertise to Council.

3. Council shall administer Club expenditures; provided however, Council shall not enter into any  contract or arrangement involving liability to the Club of more than fifteen thousand dollars unless  authorized by resolution at an AGM or SGM.  

4. To administer the Club’s banking and investments. The President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Vice President(s) shall be authorized signing officers for banking and any two are required to sign or  authorize any regular banking transaction.  

5. The Treasurer or President must sign as one of the two signing officers for matters relating to  investments or capital funds. 

6. To set policy, guidelines, membership classes, fees and membership requirements.

7. To deal with complaints or controversies of any type concerning the club. 

Duties of officers 

The President shall: 

1. Preside at all meetings of the membership and Council. 

2. Interpret and ensure Bylaws are strictly observed. 

3. Appoint, with the approval of Council, all standing and special committees. 

4. Provide an annual report to the members.

The Vice-President shall: 

1. Assist the President and become familiar with the duties of the President. 

2. Exercise the President’s duties in the President’s absence and to succeed to office upon it becoming  vacant. 

3. Work on special assignments and projects as requested by Council. 

4. Assist the other members of Council. 

The Treasurer shall:  

1. Oversee, direct and ensure the Club accounts, investments and funds are managed and recorded in  accordance with good accounting practices. 

2. Prepare a budget of expenditures for each ensuing year. 

3. Prepare or oversee the preparation of annual financial statements. 

The Secretary shall: 

1. Record the minutes at all meetings or ensure a delegate is available to take the minutes.

2. Ensure appropriate inventory records are maintained. 

3. Ensure adequate arrangements are made for insurance needs. 

4. Have knowledge of the location of the books and other records of the Club. 


1. The retiring President shall be available for consultation with Council members.

2. Shall provide Council with a brief history of the Club during their tenure. 

3. If the past President is unable to serve in that role, Council may ask another former officer. 


Directors shall assist the Officers in their duties and take on duties needed for the successful operation  of the Club. 

Removal from Office and Deemed Resignation 

1. A member of Council may withdraw from office by giving notice to the President, or announce such  at a Council meeting. 

2. Any member of Council may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote of Council at a  meeting called for that purpose.  

3. Such Council member may present an appeal to the Council within 14 days. 

4. The President shall then call a SGM within 60 days giving no less than 28 days’ notice. 

5. Members at the SGM, by a majority vote, may vary, confirm or quash the Council decision. 

6. If a quorum is not reached, the Council decision will stand.  

7. A member of Council shall be deemed to have resigned their position if that person is bankrupt or is  absent from three consecutive meetings of Council without prior notice to Council and being  excused by Council. 


A Council position becomes vacant when an individual ceases to occupy that position. Vacancies may be  filled by Council. 


No member of Council shall receive any cash remuneration for their services on Council, other than a  nominal amount of one ($1.00) dollar per year as may be required to comply with insurance contracts. However, each Council member, upon successful completion of a full term in office, may be granted an  allotment under a Club reward program not exceeding a total value of $250.00 for use in subsequent years, and shall be eligible for reward programs for other volunteer activities with the Club at the same  rate as other members in accordance with any Rewards Program as set out by Council. 


Fiscal Year 

The fiscal year shall be May 1st to April 30th the following year. The Club uses a cash accounting method.  The fiscal year and method of accounting may be changed if needed to comply with applicable law. 

Audit of Club Financial Records 

1. The books, accounts and records of the Club shall be audited each year by two non-council members of the Club or by a duly qualified accountant. 

2. Such official examiner(s) shall submit a statement of the standing of the books for the previous  fiscal year at the Annual General Meeting for the Club. 

Capital Funds 

Capital Funds may be established by Special Resolution at an AGM or SGM stating: 1. The purpose of the Fund. 

2. The method of operation of the fund including the method by which the Fund monies shall be  kept separate from general Calgary Ski Club funds. 

3. The method by which monies are to be raised for the Fund. 

4. The reasons and the method by which the monies may be withdrawn from the Fund. 5. These funds may be invested to generate a reasonable return while avoiding undue risks, having  regard to circumstances of the Club. 

Accounting Procedures 

Borrowing Powers 

The Club may exercise such borrowing powers as are authorized by the Societies Act (Alberta) as  amended. The Club shall not borrow any funds greater than twenty percent of its total assets. 

Minutes, Books and Records 

Preparing and keeping Minutes 

The Secretary or delegate is responsible for taking minutes at Member and Council meetings. Minutes  will be stored on the Club’s electronic platforms. 

Other Books and Records 

Much of the Club’s historical records are at the University of Calgary. Recent historical information and  Financial Statements are on the Club’s electronic platforms. 

Inspection of Records 

Any member shall have the right, upon reasonable notice, to inspect the books and records of the Club. 



A notice may be given to any member by publication in the Club’s newsletter or website, or by email or  postal mail to the address shown on the records of the Club, and such notice shall be deemed to have  been served on the 1st business day following the publication or mailing.  


The Bylaws may be amended by a Special Resolution passed by a 75% majority vote of those members  voting at an SGM called for that purpose, or at the AGM. 


The Club does not use a seal. 


In a dispute as to the interpretation of these Bylaws, which cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the  majority of the members, the matter may be arbitrated under the applicable Alberta arbitration rules. If these Bylaws should be in conflict with any applicable law or statute, these bylaws shall be deemed to  have been amended so as to comply. 


In the event that the Calgary Ski Club should resolve to terminate activities or be otherwise wound up: 

1. All trophies and Club records shall be donated to the Glenbow Museum or the University of Calgary  or similar institution in the City of Calgary. 

2. All assets shall be liquidated and net proceeds after payment of debts and setting aside reasonable  reserves for a suitable time shall be donated to the Calgary Foundation in the name of the Calgary  Ski Club Trust Fund for the purpose, as closely as is reasonable, of furthering recreational skiing in all  its variety for the benefit of Calgarians 

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Participation, Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement
Participation, Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement

By agreeing to this document, you will waive or give up certain legal rights, including the right to sue or claim compensation. Please read carefully.  Seek legal counsel if needed.

I am 18 years or older, have read this document thoroughly, and have been allowed to seek legal counsel before signing.  This document is executed freely and voluntarily without compulsion by the Calgary Ski Club (CSC). The Laws of the Province of Alberta shall govern this document. 

Activity or Activities refer to any program, trip, activity, lesson or event of any nature of the CSC. Those activities include but are not limited to skiing, snowboarding, tubing, snowshoeing, skating, dog sledding, rollerblading, cycling, kayaking and related water sports, sightseeing, hiking, backcountry travel, participation in educational programs, excursions, lessons, clinics, or sessions, and travel by vehicle. 

The CSC, Coordinator, Event Host or Member refers to the Calgary Ski Club as an entity or to any member, event host, trip coordinator, leader, officer, employee, agent, director or volunteer of the club in any capacity, acting alone or together.

Participation refers to membership in the CSC, or taking part in any activity in any capacity, or the participation of a child or other person I am responsible for.

Group refers to the participants taking part in any activity.

Personal Safety: I understand and accept that CSC activities involve risks, dangers and hazards of all types, and I am participating voluntarily and may suffer anxiety or embarrassment while participating.  Injuries sustained may be severe, paralyzing or fatal.  I agree to make myself aware of the risks, dangers and hazards and acknowledge that CSC assumes no responsibility whatsoever for my health or safety during my preparation for, or participation in, any activity.  I accept that Event Hosts are not trained guides and may not have first-aid training.  I consent to receive first-aid if offered but may refuse if I am in a clear and conscious state. 

 The risks, dangers and hazards include but are not limited to injuries from:

  • infectious diseases contracted through viruses, prions,  bacteria, parasites, and fungi.
  • plants, including allergic reactions
  •  encounters with animals, including bears and bear spray.
  • fatigue, overuse, overexertion, improper form or technique, vigorous physical exertion, rapid movements and quick turns and stops either while participating or training.
  • loss of balance, loss of control or falling due to slips, trips or uneven, slippery or irregular terrain or surfaces.
  • falling ice, rock or other objects, avalanches including in-bounds avalanches, snow immersion, rock, earth, ice, other natural objects, trees, tree wells, stumps, branches, and forest deadfall, the condition of snow or ice on or beneath the surface.
  • changes or variations in the terrain, which may create blind spots or areas of reduced visibility; changes or variations in the surface or subsurface, including changes due to artificial snow
  • variable and difficult conditions, streams, creeks, or other bodies of water, cliffs, crevasses; snowcat roads, road-banks, or cutbanks. 
  • colliding with or being struck by skis, ski poles, equipment, trees, other individuals, other equipment or objects, natural or manmade.
  • mine or others' failure to use any piece of equipment properly, or from the mechanical failure of any piece of equipment, including my own and others, including the failure of chairlifts, gondolas, and surface lifts
  • failing to participate or act safely within one’s abilities, skill, and within designated areas, or going off trail or becoming lost or separated from the group or the group becoming split up.
  • changing or inclement weather, extreme weather conditions which may result in frostbite, hypothermia, snowstorms, sunstroke or lightning strikes.
  •  travel on roadways, back country roads, and trails, and travel to and from events by any means.

Preparation & Ability: I am responsible for my preparation, equipment and supplies and under no circumstances will I expect other participants to provide remedies. I will participate only in Activities where my skill level, physical and medical condition, and mental attitude allow me to complete the Activity without becoming a burden to the rest of the group.  

I agree to abide by the decisions of the Group or Event Host, but if such decisions impose risks on me greater than my tolerance allows, I agree to inform the Event Host immediately. I acknowledge that they may split the group into subgroups to accommodate skill and ability levels. I will not participate if my health or condition might cause harm to others, and I will abide by all health and safety guidelines.

Right of Refusal: I confirm the CSC has the right to screen participants and may refuse my participation if, in their opinion, I am not adequately prepared or in any way unsuitable for the activity.

The Environment:  I acknowledge the fragile nature of the wild lands and ecosystems and will practice a 'leave no trace' philosophy.   I will abide by government and park regulations. 

Children: If I am a parent, legal guardian or designated responsible person of a child, then I agree to be solely responsible for the safety and wellbeing of the child and to stay with the child at all times.  

Pets: I acknowledge pets are only allowed on designated pet-friendly events.  I will control my pet and abide by relevant regulations during those events.

Extraordinary Expenses & Financial Losses: I will be responsible for all costs to provide services to me.  I agree to reimburse the CSC or anyone who incurs expenses for my benefit or at my request.

Respect: I will treat others and their property with respect at all times. I will avoid rude or vulgar language and crude, harassing or bullying behaviour. I will avoid behaviour that may be seen as disruptive or interfering with the enjoyment of the activity.

I will adhere to the laws and regulations of the host jurisdiction or venue  including the appropriate skier responsibility codes and CSC policies, guidelines and bylaws.

Alcohol, Recreational Drugs: I will only partake responsibly and safely while participating. 

Volunteer Car-Pool Drivers:  I agree to keep my vehicle in a safe operating condition and use safe driving practices.  I will only drive in winter if equipped with winter tires. I have the minimum car insurance required by law, and I may expect a reasonable contribution from passengers for mileage.

Personal Information and Privacy: The CSC may collect and use my personal information for marketing and contact purposes and to meet legal requirements.  The CSC may use any photograph I post on a club media platform.  I consent to the use of personal information for these reasons only.  The CSC will not use your information for other purposes unless ordered by a Court or directed by law.  If I become aware of other participants personal information, I agree to use this only relating to club activities.

Acknowledgement regarding recourse against the CSC:  I have read this agreement, understand it, and I agree that the Calgary Ski Club or any of its members, volunteers, event hosts, agents or representatives are not responsible for any injury, damage, property damage, expense, loss of income or loss of any kind suffered by me as a result of any of the activities or negligence of the CSC.   I agree not to commence legal proceedings against the CSC for such claims. I have executed this agreement voluntarily, and it is binding on me, my heirs, executors, administrators and representatives. 

In addition to the above, for any event that falls under Nordiq Alberta or Nordiq Canada, I also agree to CROSS COUNTRY CANADA (doing business as NORDIQ CANADA) INFORMED CONSENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT found here

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Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct

Calgary Ski Club Code of Conduct 

AKA Skier Kindness Initiative (S.K.I.)

  1. Remember what you learned in Kindergarten. Treat everyone and their property with respect.
  2. Respect differences in gender, age, race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or personal tastes and refrain from commenting on those differences in a negative light or in any way harassing or bullying group members. 
  3. Event Hosts are volunteers; thank them.
  4. Participate within your ability.  Ensure you are prepared. Be responsible for your personal safety. 
  5. Pickup after yourself.  Practice the leave no trace philosophy.
  6. Keep the rude, vulgar language and crude comments to yourself. Avoid any behaviour that could reasonably be expected to disrupt or interfere with the enjoyment of the activity or reflect negatively on the Club.
  7. Help or support others who may not have your knowledge or experience.  Ask first.
  8. Know your limits, and practice moderation when socializing.
  9. Know the appropriate activity Responsibility code. 
  10. Have fun, and make the best of situations, even when things go wrong.

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Social Media
Social Media

Use of Social Media 

We support the safe, respectful and positive use of online social networks. Members recognize the power of social media and the potentially negative image they can portray. The malicious use of online social networks or any public media domain, including texting, shall not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action. 

Such malicious uses include, but are not limited to: 

  •  Derogatory language and remarks about members.
  •  Demeaning statements about, or threats to, any third party.
  •  Photographs or statements depicting violence, hazing, sexual harassment, vandalism, stalking, underage drinking, selling, possessing, or using controlled substances, or any other inappropriate behaviours. 
  • Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat of physical or emotional injury to another person.

Resolution of Disputes and Disciplinary Procedures 

Breaches of the Code of Conduct,  Use of Social Media or the Bylaws should be dealt with in a timely manner.


All Members should undertake to resolve any differences or disagreements with another Member in good faith and in a non-confrontational and timely manner. Serious disputes shall be dealt with as outlined in the Club Bylaws.


The Member agrees that if expelled from an activity for breach of this Code, the Member will be personally liable for any travel, accommodation or other costs associated with the event or the return from that event. 


A Member may be suspended from the CSC with no refund provided. 


User Responsibility Codes

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Alpine Skier Code
Alpine Skier Code

There are elements of risk that common sense and personal awareness can help reduce. Regardless of how you decide to use the slopes, always show courtesy to others. Please adhere to the code listed below and share the responsibility for a safe outdoor experience.

  1. Always stay in control. You must be able to stop or avoid other people or objects.
  2. People ahead of you have the right of way. It is your responsibility to avoid them.
  3. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.
  4. Before starting downhill or merging onto a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
  5. If you are involved in or witness a collision/accident, you must remain at the scene and identify yourself to the Ski Patrol.
  6. Always use proper devices to help prevent runaway equipment.
  7. Observe and obey all posted signs and warnings.
  8. Keep off closed trails and obey area closures.
  9. You must not use lifts or terrain if your ability is impaired by alcohol or drugs.
  10. You must have sufficient physical dexterity, ability, and knowledge to safely load, ride, and unload lifts. If in doubt, ask the lift attendant.

Know the Code - Be Safety Conscious. It is your responsibility

Winter sports involve a risk of serious injury or death. Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others.

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Nordic Responsibility Code
Nordic Responsibility Code
  1. You must remain in control and proceed so that you can stop or avoid other people or objects.
  2. As you proceed downhill or overtake another person, you must avoid the persons below or beside you.
  3. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.
  4. When entering a trail or starting downhill, look uphill and yield to others.
  5. If you are involved in or witness a collision or accident, you must remain at the scene and identify yourself to the Ski Patrol.
  6. Ski only on the marked trails and in the proper direction as ‘indicated by the trail markers.
  7. You must keep off closed trails and observe and obey all signs and warnings.
  8. Please leave the wilderess area for others to enjoy as you have

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Hikers Code of Conduct
Hikers Code of Conduct

From Trails BC

Treat other trail users with courtesy

Respect all signage and property

Avoid environmental damage

Inform yourself about allowed trail uses and trail closures 

Leave wildlife and plants alone

Stay on the trail: Wade, Don’t Braid

The Three C’s

 1. Common Sense

  • When encountering others on the trail, the most mobile usually yields the right of way, but use common sense to determine who can move out of the way most easily.
  • Ideally, cyclists yield to everyone, and hikers yield to horses. However, a cyclist climbing a steep pitch will appreciate the consideration.
  • Generally, travelling on the right side is an excellent habit to allow ease of travel when encountering others and passing on the left.

2. Communication

  • Communicate with other trail users to warn them of dangers, trail conditions and features.
  • A friendly greeting reassures horses and lets others know of your presence.
  • Let people know if there are others in your group.

3. Courtesy

  • Be aware of and understand others’ needs.

Best Hiking Practices:

  • It is essential for everyone to be aware of the fragility of backcountry areas and to treat them with care. “Take nothing out but photos; leave nothing but footprints” is the motto of all hikers.
  • Upon encountering horse riders, a group of hikers should all step off to the same side of the trail, the lower side if possible. A friendly exchange of greetings between the hiker and horse rider will help calm the horses. Stay a reasonable distance away from the horses.
  • Use existing trails as much as possible. But if you are off an established trail, avoid marking trees or building rock piles to point out your path, and dismantle makeshift bridges required to cross streams. Avoid breaking branches. If you are in a group, try to be on a different track and keep the group small.
  • Above the tree line, walk on rocks and snow as much as possible. Alpine vegetation is delicate and takes a long time to grow back.
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Kayak and Canoe Guide
Kayak and Canoe Guide

Under construction - more details coming soon

Kayaks, Canoes, Sailboards, Paddleboards, Watercycles

  1. Make sure you can be seen on the water. A canoe or kayak can be nearly invisible, even in bright, calm conditions. It is especially difficult for power vessel operators riding high in the water to see these vessels. Choose bright colours such as red, yellow, or orange for your vessel and flotation device. In addition, remember to keep signalling devices within hand’s reach in case of emergency.
  2. Carry safety gear; whistle, throw bag, bailing device.
  3. Sea kayakers should always be aware of their environment (water temperatures, tides, currents, wind, and maritime traffic).
  4. Inspect your boat before launching.
  5. Load your craft properly.
  6. Monitor the weather.
  7. Avoid local hazards.
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Biking Codes
Biking Codes

Road Cyclists’ Responsibility Code

Cyclists, pedestrians and motorists must learn to coexist on the road together. Avoid crashes, share the road, stay safe and have fun.

  1. Stay in control. You must be able to ride safely among others, come to a complete stop, and avoid obstacles – all without causing harm to yourself or others.
  2. You must only participate in events that match your fitness and ability level.
  3. You should wear an approved helmet at all times while riding.
  4. Use only familiar equipment which is in good working order.
  5. Make sure your bicycle has the proper lights and wear bright clothing so you can be seen.
  6. Make eye contact with other road users and be more cautious at intersections.
  7. Do not stop where you are not visible to oncoming riders or others.
  8. Obey the law and all traffic signals including all stop and yield signs.
  9. Cyclists should operate their bicycles as near as practical to the right curb or edge of the road.
  10. They should use hand signals when they intend to make a turn or come to a stop.

Understand the risks of this sport and be safety conscious. It is your responsibility to stay safe and keep others safe around you.

Mountain Biking

Best Mountain Biking Practices:

  • Be aware of other trail users. Always anticipate a horse or hiker around a blind curve and slow down. Announce your presence, especially coming from behind.
  • Yield to hikers and equestrians. Get off your bike and move to the lower side of the trail to let a horse pass because they are less easily spooked by an object lower than themselves. Keep your distance. Follow directions given by the horse rider.
  • Learn how to minimize damage to trails through proper riding techniques. Avoid skidding and sliding.
  • Stick to established trails, but keep off during wet and muddy conditions, as tire ruts will become pathways for water erosion.

1. RIDE IN CONTROL AND WITHIN YOUR ABILITY LEVEL. Ride trails and features matching your ability. You must be able to stop and avoid other people or objects. You must understand bike park signage, trail ratings and trail progression. Start slow and small.

2. PROTECT YOURSELF. Helmets are mandatory in Bike Parks and strongly recommended on all other trails. Other protective equipment is strongly recommended.

3. DO NOT RIDE if your ability or judgement is impaired by drugs, alcohol or fatigue.

4. INSPECT AND MAINTAIN YOUR BIKE or have a qualified bike mechanic check it before you ride.

5. OBEY SIGNS AND WARNINGS. Stay on marked trails. Do not cut switchbacks and keep off closed areas.

6. RIDE IN CONTROL INSPECT TRAILS AND FEATURES. Ride trails and features matching your ability. Conditions change constantly on trails and features. Inspect features before use and throughout the day.

7. RIDE IN CONTROL, BE LIFT SMART. Make sure you have the physical dexterity, ability and knowledge to safely load, ride and unload lifts when riding at lift-access resorts. Ask for assistance with chairlifts and surface lifts if needed.

8. LOOK OUT FOR OTHERS. Avoid riders ahead of you. They have the right of way. Yield to other riders when entering a trail. Conditions change constantly on trails and features. Inspect features before use and throughout the day.

9. BE VISIBLE. Do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above

10. COOPERATE. If you are involved in or witness a Collision or accident, you must identify yourself to the Bike Patrol, staff member or local authority.