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Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoeing Planning Meeting

About this event


Thinking about discovering more of your backyard this winter?   Look no further.   As our Calgary Ski Club Mantra goes, and with over 100 years of outdoor fun; being a member of the Ski Club has its advantages  in treating Activity Deficit Disorder, Cabin Fever, Winter Woes, Stale Air Syndrome and so much more!


But we must warn you, side effects may include increased heart rate, fun and frivolity, rosy cheeks, feelings of awe and exhilaration, accomplishments, smiles and new friends.


Please join us, along with our Cross Country Skiing and Snowshoeing Trip Coordinators on Wednesday, October 14, via Zoom, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., for a Planning Meeting to hear what day trips are going to be offered.  Once you have registered for this event, John Walton, our President, will forward you a Zoom Meeting link.


There will be Club favorites that will be scheduled along with exploring new locations.  You would like to visit a trail or an area that you’ve thinking about, or would like to offer a suggestion, even better.  Were you were thinking about leading a trip and not quite sure how to go about it; one of our many trip coordinators would love to mentor you.


Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, October 14th!

We are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Calgary Ski Club XC & SS day trip planning
Time: Oct 14, 2020 06:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 934 7870 8705
Passcode: 975164
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Meeting ID: 934 7870 8705
Passcode: 975164
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Date and Time

Wednesday, October 14, 2020, 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM


From the Comforts of our Home


Event Contact(s)

Lori Davidson

John Walton


B Cross-Country Carpool Day Trip

Registration Info

Registration is recommended